Build your audience and get real commissions

Affiliate Marketing Terms

and Conditions

By registering to be an affiliate member of the Affiliate Program (hereinafter known as the “Affiliate Program”) you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of this agreement

(hereinafter known as the “Agreement”).

Please make sure to read it carefully before subscribing.

The terms of the Agreement will begin upon completion of your registration with and will end upon termination by either party. You or we may terminate the Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other party notice of termination. Sending an email notice to your address in our records shall be sufficient notice to terminate this Agreement.


Enter your first name, last name, and email address to join the program and start earning commissions:

Right after your registration, you will receive an email with your affiliate links.

What is this affiliate program?

An affiliate program is a kind of digital contract where 1 business pays another business or individual a commission for sending traffic or sales to their business. You can promote affiliate offers through

web content or posts on social media.

Who needs to be a part of the affiliate program?

Many businesses make use of affiliate programs as a channel to promote their products and services to other audiences. Anyone who wants to create an income online, without the hassle of creating their own products, should sign up to be an affiliate marketer.

How does it work?


Create your account


Check your inbox. You receive the affiliate application acceptance certificate and links to your personal affiliate area


Generate referral links by

simple clicks


Start making money


“Partnership Program” means our Marketing Partnership Program as defined in this Agreement.

“Agreement” means the Affiliate Marketing Program Agreement and all materials referred to, linked or attached thereto.

“Commission” means the amount shown in the Affiliate Widget for each Customer Transaction.

“Customer Transactions” means those transactions made by Prospects who are eligible to receive a Commission in accordance

with the “Customer Transactions” section of this Agreement. This may include Customer purchases or subscriptions.

“Affiliate Link” means a unique tracking link that you place on your Site or promote through other channels.

Nature of relationship

You and we are independent contractors, and nothing in this Agreement creates any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship.

As between the parties, you may not make any statement, whether on your Site or otherwise, that reasonably conflicts with anything in this Agreement.

Age limit and admission to the program

To be accepted into our affiliate program, you must (1) be over 18 years of age, and (2) agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

By subscribing to the affiliate tool, whether as a user, customer, or affiliate, you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age and agree that the terms and conditions of this agreement apply to you in full force and effect, until it is terminated.

Non-exclusivity clause

This Agreement does not create an exclusive relationship between You and Us. Both You and We will have the right to recommend similar products and services of third parties and to work with other parties.

Customer Transactions

Affiliate program limits. Each accepted lead will expire within one week from the date the lead clicks on the affiliate link you have made available.

A lead can also expire if they click on an affiliate link provided by an affiliate other than you. This is known as "last referrer" or "last referrer" action Last cookie.We will pay you a 10% commission for each new customer who completes the applicable customer transaction after clicking on an affiliate link provided by you, provided that you remain eligible to receive the commission in accordance with to the terms of this agreement.

The beginning of a customer’s subscription is determined by the date of the first purchase made by this customer during his subscription service through your marketing link.

The prospect did not click on another affiliate link after making a purchase.

Eligibility. To be eligible for a commission: (1) the lead must be acceptable and valid; (2) the customer transaction must have occurred and the product has actually been purchased and received; and (3) the customer transaction must not have been completed by you or any party affiliated with you such as an employee, spouse, or family member.

You are not eligible to receive commissions or other compensation from us if, the commission payments are obtained through fraudulent means, abuse of the affiliate link, abuse of the affiliate tool, violation of this Agreement, or by any other means that we deem to be harmful to the Affiliate Program Subordinate.

Acceptance and validity. You will only be eligible to receive a commission payment for any customer transactions derived from affiliate leads generated by the affiliate link we provide to you and areaccepted by

A lead will be considered valid and accepted if, in our reasonable discretion, they are (1) a real person and (2) a new prospect of ours.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right to reject a potential client in our sole discretion.

Engagement with Prospects. Once We have received the Lead information, We may elect to engage with the prospect directly, regardless of whether or not the Lead is valid. If a Lead is not valid then We may choose to maintain it in Our database and We may choose to engage with such Lead.

Any engagement between Us and a Lead will be at’s own discretion.

Commission and payment. In order to receive payment under this Agreement, you must have done the (1) you have agreed to the terms of this Agreement; (2) you have completed all steps necessary to create your account in the Affiliate Tool as directed by us; and (3) you have a valid and current payment method in the partner tool for that account.

Requirements for Payment; Forfeiture.

We will have no obligation to pay You Commission associated with a Forfeited Transaction. Once You comply with all of the requirements in this section, then You will be eligible to receive Commission on Customer Transactions, as long as these Customer Transactions do not involve the same Customer associated with a Forfeited Transaction.

Commission payment. We will specify the currency in which we pay the commission, as well as the applicable conversion rate.

We will not pay more than one commission payment or other similar referral fee on any given client transaction (unless we elect to do so in our sole discretion).

Taxes. You are responsible for paying all taxes and fees (including bank fees).

Commission amounts. We reserve the right to change or change the commission amount depending on the affiliate tool.

Brand promotion

You have the right to use the resources and trademark images that We make available to You while respecting the following conditions: You can not alter the resources in any way.

You can only use Our trademarks in connection with the affiliate program.

and You may not use any other competitor trademarks in Your promotion of

You must not use Our trademark in a misleading way or imply that We endorse, sponsor or approve of your services or products without Our prior consent. You must not use Our trademark in violation of applicable law or in connection with an obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic or material.

You are solely responsible for ensuring that your reviews, product descriptions and articles obey all applicable copyright and trademark regulations and other law. will not be responsible if You use another party's copyrighted or trademarked material in violation of the law.

You must immediately comply if We request that You discontinue use.

Legal stipulations

You must comply with all applicable foreign and domestic laws (including, without limitation, laws governing the transmission of unsolicited email), governmental regulations, ordinances, and judicial administrative orders,

and you must ensure that any third party Sales or referral activities on your behalf do the same thing.

You agree not to engage in any deceptive, misleading, illegal or unethical marketing activities, or any other activities that may be harmful to us, our customers, or the general public.


Build your audience and get real commissions

Right after your registration, you will receive an email with your affiliate links.


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