Terms and Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions were last updated on 1/9/2023.

Please read them carefully before using Our Service.


By using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and to use the Site in accordance with these Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy, and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to particular sections of the Site and services available through the Site or from NonaForever.

Accessing the Site, in any manner, whether automated or otherwise, constitutes use of the Site and your agreement to be bound by these Terms of Service.

Age limit

Age restrictions apply: NonaForever does not permit anyone under the age of 18 to use the Service.

We make every effort to restrict access to our Sites, and services to minors.

Even if the content of our products and services is not of a shocking nature, we prefer to target a mature audience that is able to understand the implications and responsibilities of the business world.

Any entrant who does not meet these criteria will be immediately deleted from our database once this is brought to our attention.

Placing Order

By placing an Order for services through the Service, you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts.


Prices are shown in UAE dirhams.

Prices of items may change at any time. However, the price applied to the order will be the price stated at the time of order.

Your information

If you wish to place an order for the Services available on the Site, you may be asked to provide certain information relevant to your order including, but not limited to, your name, email, phone number, and credit card number and expiration date. Your credit card and billing address.

You represent and warrant that: (1) you have the legal right to use any credit or debit card(s) or other payment method(s) in connection with any order; and that (2) the information you provide to us is true, correct and complete.

By submitting this information, you grant us the right to provide the information to third parties who process payment for purposes of facilitating the completion of your order.


Payment is due immediately on the order date, including pre-order services.

Payment is currently made upon receipt of the product.

Changes to these Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material we will make reasonable efforts to provide at least 30 days' notice prior to any new terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.

By continuing to access or use our Service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using the website and the Service.

Certified. Trusted.

| admin@nonaforever.com |

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